Flood relief in Mozambique by Wings Like Eagles in 2013
We hope you enjoy our flood relief video of the assistance we delivered in Mozambique in 2013.
Our estimate is that we spent $25,000 and provided key services in flood relief.
We are hugely thankful to the Mozambican government for integrating our helicopter into their flood relief efforts. It is their country not ours and so the response is their responsibility. They also provided the fuel for our flights. It was clean and very high quality, just what we needed. Thank you.
Wings’ disaster response had several parts this time.
- Ground coordination. We wish to ensure we support the disaster response properly. This takes language skills and professional knowledge.
- Survey. We flew 15.2 hours of surveys. These are incredibly effective in targeting the finances of others. As an example, in this case, a disaster assessment engineer used the knowledge from our flights to target millions of dollars of response funds from the World Bank which opened up the country in the most effective way;
- Cargo – 1 tonne of supplies delivered to a village in need. You will see that in our flood relief video. And the happy smiling faces of the needy people affected.
- People. In this case we flew the Interior Minister of the Republic of Mozambique so that he could see the scope of the problems and report his eyewitness assessments to the Prime Minister at the next Cabinet Meeting.
Isn’t it awesome to be able to reach out to help others in need in a distant part of the world.
If you want to help us continue to provide this sort of response, then please click here. Or if you have questions why not contact us?
Our partner WLE Logistics Southern Africa pulled the air team together. We are so grateful to them.