2017 – Our first regional response Posted March 6, 2017 by Adrian Nance


Regional response

Since 2007, Wings has sought allies for a regional response. And Wings has them across Southern Africa.  Allies who we can trust.  These allies are key channels for us.  They help us see the needs.  See the needs close up!  And so we can respond.

So the Wings 2017 disaster response was different.  It was regional.  And it was our first regional response! Wow!

Why? In 2017, the needs were spread across Southern Africa. 

What was the problem?

regional response 2017
The 2017 drought – thanks to ClimateSignals.org

The 2017 drought was one of the worst since Live Aid.  It was caused by a very strong El Nino phenomenon.  Even a well developed city like Capetown noticed how deep the drought went.

So imagine what it was like for rural people?

So what did we do?

Therefore Wings responded to needs in Mozambique. And to needs in Malawi. And to needs in Madagascar.   

In Mozambique it was pumps for the drought. Installation into communities that were committed to look after them. Pumps help wet the ground. Then the farmers can plant more often. Even in the drought.

In Malawi it was food from 4x4s for starving people. Helicopters give amazing access. But they cost a lot. So if other routes are available, they should be used. 4x4s really help when connected to people who really know the area. The isolated and needy can get food.

In Madagascar, it was a response to a cyclone. People needed help. Hovercraft could give access. Our allies could make a difference.

You helped us do all of that!  You helped make that happen! Helping large numbers of people! Thank you.

If you want to help us do it again, why not donate now! Or have a look at our annual report to see how it all fits together.

Think about it! You can help Wings make focused responses like that! If you aren’t ready to donate, why not contact us?