2015 Annual Report (extract) – the mapping of disasters


Our 2015 report shows our significant achievements in three parts:

A.  Disaster response. In 2015 Wings deployed its navigation aid with the NGO Map Action’s response to the multiple disasters in Nepal. As it happened a member of our advisory board was also present providing medical skills. Inside a target region of Mozambique a flood occurred further north than the Limpopo flood of 2013 and we were asked to respond by NGOs. However we had insufficient funds to respond. Also the helicopter that is usually available was recovering from crop spraying in response to the 2014 southern African famine.

B.  Disaster readiness. In 2014 the IT Company Helyx, completed the development of an iPad location logger app, based on their appreciation of the local and logistical needs from one of our trustees. The app assists the rapid and safe search for vulnerable people by air and allows the data quickly to be disseminated on the ground. We are most grateful to Helyx for the time and programming effort of its staff in this endeavour.

C.  Supporters. Once again trustees have been most encouraged by the continuing support of our donors, volunteers and those who pray for this work.  Thank you all.


In 2015 Wings’ income was £10,770 (2014: £11,066) reflecting a relatively steady number of donors. This year included our first bequest (2015: 12.8%, 2014: nil). 30% of donations were corporate (2014:28%); Event fundraising and speaking events accounted for 9% (2014: not recorded) with the balance from individual giving (2015: 50%; 2014:70%) against a target of 85% from individuals.

Expenditure rose to £7539 (2014: £6184) reflecting £1886 spent on disaster readiness and response (2014: nil). Launch bank fees due to an unplanned overdrawing of a current account resulted in charitable activities accounting for 77% of expenditure (2014: 86%).

Once again high expenses on the helicopter in South Africa, including a fire in the engine resulted in trustees agreeing to waive the loan interest repayment. WLE Logistics Ltd is busy replacing the essential items associated with having flown 6800 to 7400 hours, when maintenance is more expensive.

So what?

We hope that this helps you to decide to be a donor to us.

And that’s a great thing to do. Regular donations are best, because that way we can plan and respond quickly to disasters.

So if you want more information, why not contact us?